


Zero Tolerance Vibrator

Wolfang Cerberus 4y

Friend gave me a new toy to play with and this is my longest vid so far. E-Stimmed myaelf and lasted longer than I thought. Was trying to blow two loads but couldn’t do it.

fuuuck id love getting ur sexy load in my mouth hole or all over me!

Do what have fun with me

Do what have fun with me

What is the name of tour vibrator ?

I love how visibly impatient you get around the halfway Mark. Also the way your tip pokes out and glows reminds me of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. Yeah I know that’s weird but it’s a cute video from a sexy wolf.

I wanna put my muzzle on the tip and wait for the jizz to come out owo

what vibrator is that?

Mmf such sexy moans~

fuuuck id love getting ur sexy load in my mouth hole or all over me!

Do what have fun with me

Do what have fun with me

What is the name of tour vibrator ?

I love how visibly impatient you get around the halfway Mark. Also the way your tip pokes out and glows reminds me of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. Yeah I know that’s weird but it’s a cute video from a sexy wolf.

I wanna put my muzzle on the tip and wait for the jizz to come out owo

what vibrator is that?

Mmf such sexy moans~