


Tamer For a Day - part 2

Rad Renamon 4y

Caust also knows how to reward a hard-working Digimon, as well~

Can I suck you off OwO

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Can I have your contact info for telegram?

Would love to chat if your active? I haven't seen this renamon for a long while

My name isn't actually Rad XD But yes, I am also in the digital landscape known as Telegram.

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Such a very good boy he is 💛 I wonder if rad is on telegram, I'd love to meet him

How else will I digivolve?

Gotta reward the good boy~

Can I suck you off OwO

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Can I have your contact info for telegram?

Would love to chat if your active? I haven't seen this renamon for a long while

My name isn't actually Rad XD But yes, I am also in the digital landscape known as Telegram.

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Such a very good boy he is 💛 I wonder if rad is on telegram, I'd love to meet him

How else will I digivolve?

Gotta reward the good boy~